Japanese Hand made bicycle show recap:
First thank you all who came to the show and stopped by to say hello, to see the EQUILIBRIUM minded community growing is a huge motivation for us to push things forward!!!
At the venue we showed case our major updates to the 2025 line up:
- the legendary collaboration with COLUMBUS tubing of producing few original spec’d units and acquiring official COLUMBUS x EQUILIBRIUM guarantee sticker
- another very important update is a full integration of 3D parts into our production, all the joints now is a 3D printed, welded up and smoothed, due to this construction method we able to achieve much better results compared to traditional fabrication, stay tuned for in depth explanation
- launching E1 AR frame set capable to take up to 47c tires and still be compatible with endurance road set up also
- sneak peak of the World’s lightest titanium frame 870g/56cm size !!!
2025ハンドメイドバイシクル展は晴天にも恵まれ、大盛況のうちに終了しました。初めてお声がけいただくお客様、毎年の様にブースを訪れてくださるお客様、おひさしぶりにお会いできたお客様、自宅でスタートアップしていた頃から応援してくださっているお客様、本当にありがとうございました。これからもEQUILIBRIUM CYCLE WORKSをよろしくお願いいたします。
サイトオンラインの方では引き続き販売しておりますので、ぜひお早めにお買い求めください。L XLは在庫がわずかとなっています。注:国内限定販売となります。